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Aircraft Auctions | Public Sales at Trade-A-Plane


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    Starman Bros. Auctions, Inc. has grown to be the leading aviation auction company in the United States. Because aviation auctions are our full time busi... More Info

    Last Update: 02/07/2023

    Call for Price

    Call For Entries: Do you have aviation memorabilia stored away, not being enjoyed? Pull your attic queen out and help her be seen while making some money ... More Info

    AirSpace Auctions

    Cisco, TX USA

    Last Update: 06/25/2024

    Call for Price

    John Newton ("Creditor"), pursuant to his rights as a secured creditor under the Iowa Uniform Commercial Code, will sell via public auction all outstanding... More Info

    Omaha, NE USA

    Last Update: 06/28/2024